Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I can't think of a clever title but it's a post "Nonexistent" update

So it's been about two weeks since we filmed Nonexistent. Since then Mallory and I have partied at festivals, seen Walking Distance be birthed on the screen and Fangoria issued a press release about nonexistent here.
Mallory sent me the most epic voicemail of excitement. I really hope she gives me permission to put it on the internet because it was amazing. After it was put up and finally announced the film, my friends have been extremely supportive of the project and I thank them for that. I'm also getting pressure from everybody to get a trailer ready in less than a week for Texas Frightmare Weekend. I'm already part of a panel for "Frightmakers' show and tell" representing Possum Walk. We have a full clip to show since we've already showed off two awesome trailers.
So I've cut together a trailer and should have the whole thing finished by tomorrow. At this point I just have to do color correcting, clean up a few "ghost effect" shots and clean up the sound. Leroy James is currently working on the posters and so far I've seen a few designs and they're awesome.
Seeing as how I've marketed the film on Fangoria, it's gotten a few misconceptions and possibly expectations of me. First of all it's not a feature, it's a short film, but I'm still going to make a big deal out of it as if it was a feature. Also, even though I wrote it up like one in Fangoria, it's really not a horror film, but a supernatural drama (not like Twilight), but it has a very horror movieish ending, that I think will be awesome. Unfortunately I can't show too much of it in the trailer since I don't want to say how it ends, although really, it's the ending that makes the whole damn movie.
I also wanted to reflect after finishing the movie and the effect it's had on me. I know I mentioned some of this before but it's kind of amazing to me. First of all, I can sleep at night. Most everybody who knows me knows that I usually go a few days without sleep. Sometimes I'll just lay in bed in the dark until morning. But since finishing the movie, I sleep and wake up like normal. I also feel like an emotional weight involving a person from my past has been lifted. I thank my friends for bringing characters to life to bring out these emotions and help me express myself. I feel like I've been artistically frustrated and just now got to blow my load... artistically. I feel amazing now. I also thank my crew for helping me keep my shit together to make and finish the film.
Next weekend is Texas Frightmare Weekend. Every year that is an insane party. We'll see what happens next weekend.

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