Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 3

Tonight is the first night when I've actually been alone since Sunday. It's incredibly refreshing. It didn't help that everybody wanted to go out after a 12 hour shoot day. That itself is another story and has nothing to do with production.
At this time, Tyler is wrapped and has gone back to Conroe, Mallory went out for the night to meet with friends and I am listening to the sound of silence. Not the song. I'm enjoying the only sounds being heard are my keys on this keyboard and the hum of my refrigerator.
Tuesday was a light day with very little dialogue but a lot of one shot type scenes. As well as most of the ending, which looks awesome. We also shot the opening credits at a party scene. Before we shot it, I felt like a weirdo or a creeper for having two good friends of mine recreate a moment of my life in college. Those thoughts and feelings went away when the only thing I could think of was getting the scene shot. Thanks to my good friends, Leroy and Ellie for rounding up the extras and letting invade Ellie's living room.
Immediately following that was Kirbey Lane, followed by delicious sleep.

Wednesday was one of those mornings where everything that could go wrong, did. We had a very late start which is contrary to the rest of the shoot (as was the lack of sunny weather) but thanks to actors who said their lines perfectly, a crew who pulled together quickly and enough light through the clouds we some how were still able to wrap the whole shoot today.
It was also a little bit o a reunion for me. First of all I'm extremely pleased that I got to shoot with Austin comedian Maggie Maye again after it's been 4 years since we shot The Man in the Garage. That was awesome. She looked and sounded great. I loved how she and Mallory were able to play off each other. She gave a lot of cute improv lines which I liked. Michael Darr and Tyler were also awesome of course. Also mad props again goes to Shelly for busting her ass and helping me get my shit together again. She has been extremely hard working and bad ass.
My other reunion was with Kristen Hall (from HMF Indie Radio) who I haven't shot with in about a year since we started Possum Walk. Actually that's kind of a lie since she played a dream creature and played her character as a corpse last fall. I also finally got to meet her 4 year old son, Daegan which was awesome since I've heard so much about him and seen a bazillion pictures of the squirt. His scene came out beautifully.
In fact, about 90% of what we shot was exactly like I wanted and imagined when I wrote the script. I'm not used to that accomplishment and it's quite badass. I might be in danger of feeling artistically satisfied. With that said, I'm going to find some friends and share a drink. Don't worry, we have a late call time tomorrow. Not too much left to finished.

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