Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 1

Out of pure excitement and anxiousness I got a total of 3 hours of sleep. I'm sure it didn't help that I slept on the floor so I could give my actors my futon and my bed. But not my ninja turtles pillow. No, sir.
After lots of coffee and prep, we arrived at the location, set up, fed the actors (thank you Shelly. Amazing PA who went above and beyond) and got rolling.
Loved working with Tyler and Mallory again. Before I hadn't had a chance to do too much with Mallory's range on Possum Walk, so today was good. Between the two actors, I felt like we were completely in sync and completely understood and identified with their characters.
During our second major scene today, Mallory and Tyler were rehearsing a pretty dramatic, sally sob scene and of course BAMMO a person who helped inspire that scene sends me an email with the exact same sentiment. Needless that put me in a weird head space and in some way made me relive a shitty emotion. Maybe that helped, but either way every scene ended up looking exactly like I planned and that never freagin happens, right.
In fact, there was even a moment when I wrote the script, I thought to myself, "Man, if the clouds could just open up and shine sunlight at this exact line, I will be so happy." So apparently God read the script and approved this idea, because that's exactly what happened.
Some how we were way ahead of schedule without missing anything. Even after letting the actors nap for an hour and a half, we still finished an hour early.
Special thanks goes to the cast: Tyler, Mallory, and Michael Darr for not sucking. Bobby and Shelly for busting their ass and getting shit done. And my buddy Johnny for letting me steal his apartment for a whole day. I promise you will find it exactly like you left it...

More work for tomorrow. Can't get too comfortable.

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