Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Final update.

Okay I am way late on my updates for Days 4 and 5.
Thursday was our last full day of production. I started the day off running around town, picking up supplies for a bathtub scene. I'd like to thank Marcus Koch (director of "Fell" and "100 Tears") for the special ingredients. Also Aimee helped me over the phone to figure out what the hell I was looking at at the art supply store. When I was checking out at Jerry's Artorama, they couldn't figure what some one could make with an exact-o knife, red paint and black dye.

We took all some of the small scenes that involved just Mallory and finished off Darr's last scene. We ended the night with an emotionally grueling scene involving a bathtub. Mallory helped make that scene especially effective, the effect turned out quite well, and Shelly was a fantastic help during that tough scene.

The next day was spent resting and a building a bed rig for the next day's effects. Burt Bailey and Brandy Eastman came down from Dallas that morning. Mallory and Brandy started up the second season of Dexter, while Burt and I built the bed rig. It was basically a box in the same shape of my bed with a platform that Mallory could lay straight down on while two people could lay below her to grab her. Once they were done, Burt and Brandy left. It was great seeing them again. After that, Mallory and I just had a quiet night watching episode after episode of Dexter. It was quite peaceful and relaxing.

The following day, my friend and special effects wizard, Matt Ash came by and started doing special effects arms on my friend Haylan. Once we were done with her, we realized the other person set to do the scene was sick so we called up our sound guy, Bobby and he ended up doubling as a special effects performer. Once the special effects were done we just had to do a few shots but each shot required redoing the whole set per shot. Eventually we finished and realized we ran out of stuff to shoot. Then we were wrapped.

This whole film and that entire week was the most artistically fulfilled I've ever felt. Words can't describe what it felt to put this film together. My cast and crew was great and really helped me get everything I absolutely needed to create and finish the film. Looking at the film makers and friends of mine who are hitting up the Dallas International Film Festival this week, I realize we still have a long way to go, but we're on the right path.

As soon as we were wrapped, I put my bed back up and fell right asleep and could not stay out of bed. I was disappointed I didn't get a chance to see Jeremy Sumrall who said he was coming into town but apparently he wasn't able to make it.

The following day was a whole day of sleep.

I did go back to my day job on Monday. I was excited to get back to work, but as soon I get there, I realize that everything is different, I'm not working on iPad, our break rooms look like they're from the Enterprise and there's a bazillion new kids I don't recognize at all. All of it would be just fine to deal with until I realized my health had dropped dramatically. Seriously? After finishing a film?

I checked with a doctor this morning and apparently it was just an allergic reaction to newly prescribed medicine. Doctor recommended I spent the next week resting. I feel bad for missing two whole weeks of work during a busy time, but I have the doctor's note. He said I should relax so I will be relaxing at the Dallas International Film Festival.

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