Monday, January 4, 2010

New Decade

I could've written a very lovely little dialogue about the decade. I'm not sure what I'd have to write about. I have all kinds of angsty stories of growing up from age 14-24. When thinking about ten years, I think not enough happens and I need to move faster.

I have some theories as to why I think the next decade is going to be an amazing time for me and my friends.

On the new Years weekend, I shaved my beard and cut my hair. Not doing a new look, not changing anything. I just thought I my beard could use a do over and needed to remind myself of why I require a beard. I go back and forth between liking neat short hair and messy long hair.

I'm starting a new short script as well. I'm excited. I know who I want to be in it. It might be an easier film for me to film. Haven't decided if I want to do my own cinematography or not. On one hand, I can make great pictures and I will work for myself for free, but then I'd love to be able to concentrate on the actors and just watch a monitor without having to worry about moving the camera.

So 2010, we are going to make at least 3 new short films. I've talked talked to my girl-twin about it and she's on board so watch for us terrorizing the film festivals and crashing the parties. Even if we're invited, we're still crashing them. That's how we do things.

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