Wednesday, December 30, 2009


So the year is ending. So is this decade. 2009 was an eventful year. We went through life and death together on Possum Walk, in which I met some great talent and more importantly great friends. Personally I also felt that I have gained the respect of a lot of my friends as an artist and felt like the artist I've always fought to become. There were a lot of laughs, a lot of women, and memories that I'm not going to lose. A lot of people could probably be saying that about 2009. You may already be a friend of mine on facebook, but if you're not, feel free to check out my little photo album here that summarizes the year of 2009.

It's hard to make a movie list for 2009. Star Trek was nice and amusing. I looooved Drag Me To Hell. And I won't forget 500 Days of Summer. Sigh.

Of all the piece of cinematic art that I loved this year the most was not a movie this time but a TV series. Dexter Season 4 was such an incredible journey and an
amazing display of writing and acting. Particularly the performance of John Lithgow. The Trinity Killer was my ABSOLUTE favorite performance of the year. It's going right up there with Heath Ledger as the joker. Amazing work, sir. Absolutely brilliant.

Obviously I have more to say about the year. For the faithful reader, please check out my photo album.

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