Sunday, January 31, 2010


I love light.

I don’t expect a lot of people to understand, but I think about it at almost all times I love how it can shape the landscape of a face. If bright orange or blank white, you can tell if it’s hot or cold regardless of sweat, clothes, or snow. When the sun sets or rises, you get an amazing display of light dancing up the horizons, while it casts a visually warm blanket over whatever it touches. This is called Magic Hour or Golden Hour. People who’ve worked with me know how much of a pain in the ass I can be to film during this hour.

Light has an amazing effect on the human body. It can outline a face, shape a woman’s body. If you can control light, you have total control over what a person looks like.

When somebody asks me about cameras or settings, I try very hard to not show that I’m laughing or grimacing at those questions. It’s all about light and framing. Frame it so that it looks like a movie and then move your lights in a way where you can shape the actors (not just see them, but so that you create an outline of them)

I hate shadows. Shadows can be used well but sometimes they get in my fucking say. I have a big pet peeve over an actor’s face being shadowed by another actor and I can be such a pain in the ass when that happens. Maybe my fault with lighting, but fuck I liked how it looked.

In most ways, I believe light is inescapable. Perhaps this isn’t true with everybody’s vision, but even when you turn off all the lights, you can still see. Light is still there. I’d imagine if you were truly without light, you’d feel lousy. And yes I know I’m a kid that wears all black and makes scary movies, so I’m supposed to be all about darkness. But that’s a terrible way to live. I love light, respect its power, and it is my friend.

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