Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Putting the tie back on.

So I'm starting a new production. The voice of reason tells me I need to wait until I have a budget and can get the appropriate crew.
However, my artistic voice is screaming to get shit done now and make it amazing regardless.
So that's what I'm doing. We start rolling in a month. Need to prep the SFX with Matthew "Don't call me Monster Matt" Ash. I've locked down my cast. I'll announce them shortly, however if you know me as a film maker, you already know who I'm using.
As stressful as a lonely preproduction can be, I did feel a sense of comfort when I put on a coat, my pair of kicks and headed out to a coffee shop to sit down and meet an actor. In fact I felt like my real self again. It was nice.
I've also been meeting with different DPs. Normally I do my own photography, but I'd love to have the experience of collaborating with somebody else on the visual aspect of the film. I'd also love to have somebody worry about the technical aspects of film as I just sit at monitor and focus on actors.
I'm also way encouraged by the positive responce I've received from my cast about the script. During all this, I realized I was leaving work, changing out of my work clothes, putting on my suit and kicks to meet with actors or crew members. Suddenly I feel like myself again. I needed to be me again, apparantly.

I really need to break out of my current mold. I receive compliments and ass kissing from people involved with "independent Texas Horror" or "The Texas Blood" as we've been called. Ass kissing is definitely encouraging, however if you're not doing horror among our little clique, you'll have absolutely no idea who I am. I need to change this.

As I'm writing this, SXSW is currently going on in the city I live in. I really have no plans save for a few films made by friends of friends and a few parties here and there. Right now I'm currently focused on preproduction for the short and saving money to make the production go down smooth. However, I do feel that it would've been good for me to go. Even just to mingle, even though I have no film going in. There are three major festivals that happen in Austin. SXSW, Austin Film Festival and Fantastic Fest. Lately, I've been too busy to really go to those unless another film maker invites me to a particular show. I need to stop that, set aside some cash to get a good pass and start going to all these festivals. It's good for me to meet other film makers, make myself known, have fun and maybe make friends with some actresses here and there.

For now, it's time to lock locations and schedules. BTW, I need a sound guy.

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