Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Back to blogging

Hi Everybody,
Haven't updated this blog thing since I got it. Mostly because I've been stupid-busy with the Walking Distance DVD extras and the post production of Possum Walk.

Possum Walk has been coming together very nicely. Mostly toJeremy Sumrall's script and directing. All of Horrorphile's production on this film and of course the amazing talent that's in the movie. While in post
we were able to add a pick up shot of a new/old character. This gave me an excuse to work with an interesting actress (she prefers "actor" however) named Mallory Carrick whose been terrorizing Dallas for the past year that I've noticed. Next to make her and Maggie Conwell's shots look like they're in the room
together. It can be done... Then audio. gulp. These two actresses are really
bad ass and it was a shame we couldn't get them acting together.
One day hopefully. Again, these two actresses are awesome. Really, the entire case of Possum Walk was spectacular and I should make a whole blog thing about everybody, because they deserve it an I want you know how how awesome everybody is.

I took a quick step back from Possum Walk's post production to focus back on Walking Distance. We have some very nice extras and featurettes that you'll be seeing in the coming DVD. Working with Mel House and James LaMarr has been awesome. They give very good
feedback and the movie it's self is pretty damned cool to begin with. Lots of stuff to work with.
I'm somewhat expecting the weekend after Christmas to feel like we're all cramming for a final
exam. I'm excited, despite the pressure because I've never had a "real" due date. All previous projects, we've given ourselves dates and if we didn't finish on time, there was no penalty. This is fun because we really need to have a product to have finished before the end of the year.

So the year/decade is ending. Most people who know me know I've been sitting on this one script that came from a story that's almost ten years old for it. I'm not immedeately jumping to this story next because I want to improve my skillz and give my self a little bit more experience in a few things I want to try.
When I was younger and arrogant, my teachers told me to do more short films before moving on to my first feature. I believe they are right now and there was still more to learn before I did "The Man in the Garage". I did learn a lot because of that movie and make a lot of new friends, but I need to make an A+ short film or two before I make another feature length film. Plus I need more excuses to go to film festivals and meet investors and actresses.
So I have some short films that I've written that I think are damned good. There's some actors I want to work with that I also think are damned good. Next I need to get a crew. A big part of these shorts is to work with a cinematographer whose not myself. I believe I can get a better product, focus more on actors, and let somebody else be technical if I let somebody else worry about what the picture looks like. The fun part of looking for someone to fill that role is going to be an even funner process since I've recently had a financial setback and have been adjusting to life without a car.
So watch out for those projects. I'll announce more about those films once things become official.

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