Monday, November 16, 2009

New Blog

Hi everybody,
2009 has been a big crazy year for me and I haven't kept up a blog. If you want to connect the dots of my life, you can start with

If for whatever reason you are just now getting to know me or don't know me at all. I'm a young film maker from Austin, TX. I went to the University of New Orleans before Katrina happened. I've written and directed one feature film titled "The Man in the Garage" which is available on I'm currently working on the behind the scenes footage and special features for Mel House's "Walking Distance" and producing and cinematographing "Possum Walk" directed by Jeremy Sumrall.

I'm starting this blog because I need to open up to people and because my friends and family want to know more about my "adventures". Of course this blog should've been made while filming Possum Walk to really hear some adventures. This blog will mostly be related to film making. I might put in something introspective, geek out with a movie blog, or just talk about something boring like food. I'm not going to write about my personal life, so if we go on a date and I don't blog about it, don't be disappointed. It's for your own safety.

Anyways, welcome to the new blog. As of right now I need to get my personal life back on track but I am knee-deep in work with editing Possum Walk and the special features for the upcoming "Walking Distance" release.