Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why Film Critics Are Necessary For Film Makers

Lately I've been doing heavy amounts of drinking and movie watching with a few film journalists from Austin, Dallas and Los Angeles. Call them reviewers, critics, or bloggers (because print journalism is just ignored now. Even the Austin Chronicle -yikes). I also follow them on twitter because they are absolutely the most fun people to talk about film with. I personally declined an offer to write for a film blog, because although you can certainly be both (like Robert Cargill. Great writer IMO) I felt like establishing myself as a film blogger would hurt my plans on being a commercial science fiction film director. Although there are so many times when I wish I could write about film, but again I feel like it's not my place as a film maker. Let the people who blog about film do that.

Yesterday, quite a few of them were tweeting about Film maker, Kevin Smith's slam against film critics. There's one dude I follow named @ScottEWeinberg who I swear is like some kind of mystery dude. We have mutual friends and I've apparently gone to multiple parties and screenings that he's been at but never met him. Or at least didn't know it (which would make me a socially awkward jerk). This guy, Scott wrote a great article defending his profession and craft from Smith's SDCC statement. You can read it here.

It was a great article but I really felt like it was missing a lot of points on why critics are so necessary to film makers.

So I wanted to throw in my point of view. First of all some background if you don't know me. I made a no budget feature length slasher film when I was 21. Looking at it now, I'm embarrassed at thinking I was ready to make it, however it was almost a full 4 years of film school itself (I dropped out even though Cliff Robertson told me not to. Bad idea. Should've listened to Uncle Ben). By making that film and taking it to festivals and horror cons, I met a lot of people who are currently my friends and future collaborators. But regardless, it's a shitty film. But hey, we all have to get our first film out of the way. We can't all make "The Duel".

Here are a couple of bad reviews on it. I did have some good reviews but I refuse to post them because that's not the point. (but just know that some people liked it and I'm way better now). This first review was on Dreadcentral. I consider this a poorly written bad review. I learned nothing from it and the reader doesn't know why my film was boring. The second review from KillerFilm was a great critique that actually said why my film was shit.

With that said film reviews can be incredibly insightful to learn and grow and know what your weakness are as a film maker. I'd be fucking lying if I said they weren't stressful to read, but grow the fuck up. One of my friends who's a film maker once came across his film on the iTunes Store and was amused at the negative customer reviews on it. He sincerely laughed and I'm jealous of him.

I also really enjoy the reviews made by Red Letter Media. They are most known for making Star Wars prequel reviews that are over an hour long. When I watch these reviews I feel like I learn more about what works and what doesn't work in the language of film as well as understand and reevaluating the basics of character and story structure that I feel is lost and forgotten very often. You can learn a lot from watching, reading or listening to other great reviews.

Truthfully criticism is necessary for any professional or artist of any craft or medium to learn, grow and improve. The best people for this job are indeed film journalists because they are fucking journalists. They are able to analyze and write what they feel doesn't work and articulate it better than anybody else.

The audience isn't stupid. If they don't like a particular reviewer, they won't pay attention to them. If they find a reviewer their taste is inline with, they'll frequent this reviewer. Because enjoying film isn't about good/bad or right/wrong. It's about fucking liking the movie. I lost some absolutely bad films because they're fun.

Since 2005ish, it seems like people have replaced the life and arts section of their local paper with blogs. This is a result of more journalists having a much larger medium to establish themselves than just one or two local newspapers. As a guy interested in movies, I had the choice to read certain reviewers on the internet and not the reviewers of the Austin American Statesman or the Austin Chronicle. Because I had a choice. And after I watch a film, I definitely want to know what someone else thought. And sometimes I'm quiet and antisocial.

If films aren't criticized or the criticism is ignored, the entire film industry will continue to get worse and worse and only be determined by how much shit it can sell. And that is only an indicator on how well a movie is marketable; not an indicator about how enjoyable the movie is. And we all want a return to artistically driven films. So let's respect our critics.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

4 years.

So it's 2012 now. It's a very fun summer of films. Especially if you're a comic book geek. This summer started off with the Avengers that has been building up since Iron man in 2008 and we are a whole month away from The Dark Knight Rises which has been building since The Dark Knight in 2008. I have to be honest, the last time I've ever been this excited for a film was The Dark Knight 4 years ago. Nothing can make me feel more like a kid than waiting for a new Batman movie to open.

I find it interesting that our summer films are repeating the pattern but with a more finale feel. Being excited for a Dark Knight film reminds me of where I was 4 years ago. I had started my day job and at the same time, my friend, Mel started production on Walking Distance before it was renamed Psychic Experiment when it was sold to Lionsgate. This is cool because that was the summer when I met everyone I know now and this is kind of the year where we all grow up in a way.

When I got my current job 4 years ago, I met a lot of awesome dudes and gals. Most of them have all moved to California for the job. I decided to stay here until I get my next film wrapped. Meanwhile I also started working on Walking Distance and met most of the people that shoot who I now consider my regular "film family". Since then, I think we've all done a lot of growing up. Most of us are becoming the artists we were always supposed to be, a lot of those friends have had kids and I think at this time we're really starting to find ourselves as artists if that makes sense.

Shit. I think this blog had no point. But it's as personal as this blog ever gets and I wanted to share my inner thoughts about the crazy reflection this summer has given.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Where's Robert?

So a few people wondered why I didn't go to Texas Frightmare Weekend this year (2012) after I've been there every year since 08. "But Robert you drove all the way to Dallas just to see Robocop a few weeks ago but you didn't go to TFW?" Yyyyyup!

So first of I'm not dropping out of filmmaking or anything like that. I have been laying low. I'm doing a something. Trust me. This thing I'm working on is taking longer to develop than I fantasized about so I may make one more short film in the mean time. If I do that, I'll combine Nonexistent, Succubus and this third short film to make an anthology film. I feel like I'm waiting and therefor I need to stay busy. 

So back to TFW. At this point, I feel like this horror convention doesn't serve me as a film maker like it did before. In 08, I was starting out and figuring out how to exist in the indie world. 09, I had matured (so I thought) and was there to flex my cinematography muscles with the Possum Walk trailer as well as reunite with all my friends from Psychic Experiment (AKA Walking Distance at the time). The following two years I really had no purpose to be there other than get drunk with Mallory. I was quite disapointed that after so many years of promoting the film there that Possum Walk was not shown at TFW 2011. Although they did host a great screening in Dallas the December before.

This year, Mallory has moved away and truthfully I had no reason to be there as a film maker. Ya see artistically I'm moving away from horror and realizing that this entire time I was inspired by science fiction films while horror was just an easier jumping off point. And it was. I'm not dissing the genre. I like horror as equally as I like any genre. A Nightmare on Elm Street and Evil Dead 2 are still some of my favorite films. But if I'm asked to define my style with a genre, it's not horror. So with no film playing, nothing to "promote", I truthfully had no reason to be there. There were a few friends I wanted to see but I couldn't muster up the strength and cash for a Dallas weekend visit.

I did hear back from a few people on Facebook who bought the limited edition Possum Walk copy. That was pretty cool. Since I didn't have to sit through a screening (torture for any film I work on), it was great to hear people compliment my cinematography. Truthfully at the end that's all I was the actors. I thought the cast I filmed and edited was great. Particularly Maggie Conwell and Tyler Tackett. I know the audience loves them and I want those two kids to shine. I also loved working with Andrew Sensenig and Tim Taylor. Okay I liked every actor on the set so just read the cast and that's who I liked working with and those are the guys that inspired me to finish the project past the point where I was artistically ready to move on. 

Local DJ, Dale Dudley has a small part at the end. Therefor I spread the word to the Dudley & Bob fans on twitter, known as the #warriors that the movie was being sold there. A few of them tried looking for the table and couldn't find it. So for those that looked for it, thank you; I'll make sure you guys can see it or let you know when you can order it.

TL;DR= didn't go to TFW but glad people I've never met saw Possum Walk.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I'm still alive

Every week, I keep telling myself to write a new blog entry.

Then I realized that it's creeping up to two years since I last wrote something.

Just a quick update, I'm actually in a stableish relationship. Me having a girlfriend that lasts longer than a week confuses my friends and gives them worry about the world ending this year.

Since then I finished and screen Nonexistent, followed up with Succubus but since screenings and festivals cost money, I've been holding out on screening that. I've also been laying low lately. Trying to stay quiet until I work on a new project. Will talk more about that in the upcoming months when things start happening.

Just an update to say I'm alive before I start using this blog to bitch and rant about things I feel like talking about.