Tuesday, June 19, 2012

4 years.

So it's 2012 now. It's a very fun summer of films. Especially if you're a comic book geek. This summer started off with the Avengers that has been building up since Iron man in 2008 and we are a whole month away from The Dark Knight Rises which has been building since The Dark Knight in 2008. I have to be honest, the last time I've ever been this excited for a film was The Dark Knight 4 years ago. Nothing can make me feel more like a kid than waiting for a new Batman movie to open.

I find it interesting that our summer films are repeating the pattern but with a more finale feel. Being excited for a Dark Knight film reminds me of where I was 4 years ago. I had started my day job and at the same time, my friend, Mel started production on Walking Distance before it was renamed Psychic Experiment when it was sold to Lionsgate. This is cool because that was the summer when I met everyone I know now and this is kind of the year where we all grow up in a way.

When I got my current job 4 years ago, I met a lot of awesome dudes and gals. Most of them have all moved to California for the job. I decided to stay here until I get my next film wrapped. Meanwhile I also started working on Walking Distance and met most of the people that shoot who I now consider my regular "film family". Since then, I think we've all done a lot of growing up. Most of us are becoming the artists we were always supposed to be, a lot of those friends have had kids and I think at this time we're really starting to find ourselves as artists if that makes sense.

Shit. I think this blog had no point. But it's as personal as this blog ever gets and I wanted to share my inner thoughts about the crazy reflection this summer has given.